We’re alive! This is the top news of the day. Each day is a new day, and the morning starts with checking if everybody is alive.

Russian soldiers who were captured told that they were ordered to bomb civilian targets and civilians. Not safe.

Masha, mother of three, contacted us in the morning. They live in Kyiv. So far, they are ok and have all they need.

At noon, we heard through Kyiv that our Team is ok. The Team is continuing their rescue work. Veronika, 10, found a corner in the house where a contact can sporadically be made through one operator. It is peaceful now in our village.

14:20 Tanya phoned. It’s no longer peaceful. Tanks are rolling along the village roads. The “soldiers” shoot to scare the people. In Viktor’s village, Russian columns drive all the time. The people were told to stay indoors.

20:16 Katya and Julia managed to phone. The village is restless; Russian tanks and vehicles stand in the next village (Viktor’s). They are trying to find diesel oil.

”Anyway, we’re ok. Tell our love to everyone.”

… to be continued