Food supplies

It’s great to have someone you can trust and turn to for help.

“We were waiting for your help, as all our shelves were empty. The situation is especially difficult, as we have not received the child allowances. Makes me wonder what to put in the soup pot.” – Mother Viktoria

Work with numbers and documents loves silence. Precision does not tolerate disturbing factors.

‌But the bookeeper is also a living human being who needs to talk with a real person every now and then.

Katerina is there for me – my collegue at work. She is an especial person who not only talks, but also listens. She is patient and she makes tea.

‌Do you have such a precious person at work?



Today’s children prefer browsing their phones rather than reading a good book. We know that.

‌But it is worth listening to a friend who reads aloud. Albina was happy to read. And the others listened to her closely.

‌Do you read books with your children?

A bunch of plans for the week


Monday and another week. Our team meeting took place over Skype. We discussed the plans and needs of the week.

‌Helping families and children is our first priority. Katerina said that two big families had asked for food supplies. Thanks to our monthly donors, our Ukrainian team can buy food for them immediately.

‌Another mother said they had run out of firewood. The home is still cold.

‌We discussed emergency situations

‌Our team made a list of things to be packed in an evacuation bag and of what to do in an emergency. We will deliver this important information to the families we are helping.

Spring campaign

‌We are now planning our spring campaign. You will soon hear more about it. It is a significant assistance to the families. Seeds, plants, chickens… These help the families in the countryside to grow their food.

‌The needs are many, and the war increases the number of needy families day by day. Through caring people, God blesses these families. This is what I believe and what we all pray for.

‌”Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:13-14)

‌Summer camp in Sweden

‌The team starts planning the children’s summer camp. We want to grant the children a time away from the daily alarms and explosions.

‌I wish you all a good working week. Sunny spring days to you and hugs from me!