Light in darkness – We help Ukrainian children in the midst of war and those who fled the war. This text is a tribute to every person, church and organization that helps shed light on the lives of the children and families who need help due to the war in Ukraine.

We have seen how love and care cross borders. Your help has provided warmth, clothes… hope to those who need it right now.

I hope this blog can give information about the work in Ukraine, but also support and hope to children who have fled the war to Sweden or Finland.

Children’s Embassy (Barnens Ambassad) started to work in Eskilstuna, Sweden, as soon as the russian aggression intensified in February 2022. Mothers with children from our villages came to Eskilstuna.

/ Mirjam, founder, international coordinator

Love and warmth to Ukrainian children

I’m Tanya, and I work in the Life Line programme of Children’s Embassy.

October is when the weather gets cold, but human hearts are warm.

We had an especial idea in October: “Let’s make the winter in Ukraine warmer”.

It brought us together, to help. The people in Eskilstuna were great!

‌They donated warm clothes, shoes and money for Ukrainians to buy firewood and stay warm.

We sent two shipments to Ukraine, a total of 389 kg. This is really something!

But guess what is even more? The Ukrainians now in Eskilstuna also participated. They sorted and packed clothes. It’s something impressive to see people helping each other.

I wish to thank all of you. It’s wonderful to see people come together and d help Ukrainian families survive the winter.

You are really great and kind people.

The help comes through: clothes and warmth to Ukrainian children

Katerina is the coordinator of our relief programmes in Pisky and its surrounding villages.

This month – warmth to families

We have received a lot of humanitarian help from Sweden and Finland: an immense 96 boxes of clothes.

You have collected this amount of warmth and delivered it to Ukrainian families. This help is extremely important now that many families have lost their homes. Internally displaced families flow into our area, and we help them as much as we can.

We have started delivering firewood to families, which is also significant. Most of the families consist of single mothers and children, who can’t afford to buy wood.

The firewood costs 9,200 UAH or about 300 Euro per truckload. Many mothers cannot pay this with their government allowances. Without your help, they and their children could buy either food or wood.

We have also started to deliver the clothes to families.

Courage amidst adversity: Warmth prevails in war-ridden Ukraine

Our local director Viktor Pavlovich describes the consequences of war in everyone’s lives. Nothing is as it was, and the unusual has become normal.

“We often hear the sirens sound the air alert. The sound means that we must be aware and seek safety. We work had to keep everyone safe. The children continue to go to school and kindergarten, but whenever the sirens sound, they have to hurry into the shelter.

When the weather got cool in October, we were prepared. We brought 80 cubic metres of firewood to Friend’s House to keep it warm. Our heating system is ready. And when it was rainy and cold, we started heating. It’s nice and warm indoors now. All children and we who work here are happy and thankful for the warmth.

Families are helped by the Warmer Winter campaign. Many of them have no means to buy firewood to keep their homes warm in winter. We have considered closely what they need. Sixteen families have already said they need our help.

The deliveries from Sweden and Finland arrive quickly through well-functioning companies. And we are quick to deliver the help on to those who need it most.”

Light in darkness: Let’s help and believe together

I, Mirjam, wish to thank all sponsors of Children’s Embassy. Thank you who are sponsor for all children and share your kindness to them. And thank you who have taken a specific child to sponsor.

Your support helps immensely; it means a lot to the children and youngsters. Many of our “children” who have grown in Friend’s House – their “second home” – have already grown and are studying in Kyiv or other cities. They still receive support from their sponsor, which makes their lives much easier: Food, pens, notebooks, clothes, medicines…

If you are a monthly donor, I wish to thank you sincerely. You have created ties of caring and community, which help youngsters believe in their future. At a time when every single piece of help is extremely valuable, your contribution gives them opportunities to grow and develop.

Regular support is the best way to help

As a regular donor, you support all the work of Children’s Embassy. Your gift is used in what is the most urgent need. Emergencies come without warning.

You, a supporter, bring life into darkness. Together, we are building a safer tomorrow to these small and big heroes.

“Hi, Svitlana here, I’m the coordinator of humanitarian programmes in Kyiv.

I went to Pisky to sort the clothes from Sweden. I also found many warm clothes for children in Kyiv. I wish to thank you sincerely, as your help is very significant for us.

This month we bought food to families in Kyiv, and we were delighted to receive a bag from Finland. Our gratitude to all of you is great.“

Laughter and security in the midst of storm – Friend’s House welcomes the future

Friend’s House – the heart of all our work in Ukraine. A place where children can leave their worries at the door, at least for a moment. A place to be when there is a storm in life. A place from where all the help is delivered to Pisky and other villages.

Friend’s House is there for children. A house where warmth and security live. In this small Pisky village in Ukraine we open our door to a world where children’s laughter rings more loudly than the war. Your love and gifts find their way from here to the needy children and families.

Imagine a place where it is fun to play and to learn. A place that becomes a second home for the children who live their dreams and play the main roles in their adventures and games.

Children are allowed to be children her. Imagine a house – a home – where laughter never ends, where playfulness and curiosity flow. Where nutrition is not just meals, but also information and support in studies, where children are happy to play and where weekends feature Sunday school and God’s love.

And when the air raid alert again sounds and the skies are dark – we stay together.

This is Friend’s House – a small oasis in the restless world.

Raisa, our beloved pedagogue, shares some moments in the everyday life in Friend’s House:

The weather was warm for long, and the children had fun playing outdoors. They played various games, jumped on the trampoline and played football.

The autumn holiday week was extra fun. We went for a walk in the woods and enjoyed the autumn. We took lots of photos to remember the excursion.

We also visited the library. The children selected books to read at home. It was great to see Artem read his book on the way back and on the playground. It seems difficult to encourage children to read nowadays.

Reporting time and the uneasy world

“Another month has gone. A special month in my job, when the quarterly report is submitted. This time the report form had again been amended, so I had to attend a whole seminar online to find out how it should be done.

‌The war in Israel broke out. We cannot forget it. We feel their agony as our own, because we know what war means.“

Julia, bookkeeper – secretary

Blooming hope

Katya O, hostess in Friend’s House

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16

We don’t have to see the calendar or the watch to know that we are living evil days. Weather, weekday – nothing changes this fact.

‌We used to hear about war at school or read about it in books. It was something distant and past. But now it is part of our everyday life. All that now takes place around us will be a significant part of Ukrainian history.

‌All work is significant. It is great to be part of a team that works together – to help children.

‌Children in Ukraine have grown during the war. When surrounded by constant worry, it is wonderful to find something that makes you happy. One such thing for me is taking care of flowers.

‌I love to see flowers grow and to smell their fragrance. Each plant in Friend’s House is like a little child who loves the sun and has their own personality. And what’s more, children – just like flowers – need care and attention. Children are the flowers in our life; they tell us about the future.

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