Hi, it’s me, Katerina, as always with you. I have the honour of working in the relief programs of our organization Children’s Embassy.

What drives me

I have been happy to help children and families for almost 17 years now. I feel the pain and the need of each family in my heart, and I want to find out quickly how to help.

What drives me is the feeling: I know what it is to have nothing …

True difference

Without your participation, nothing could be done. You are doing a fantastic job.

Many of you made it possible for children to have clothes and school supplies. It is so great that you want to reach out a helping hand. Especially now that many people have no money for the simplest purchases, let alone for the things that their children need.

Another kind of year – a year of war

The number of children who need clothes and school supplies has increased this year. We have internally displaced people from the worst areas of war. Their stories break my heart. Each one has their own pain and story to tell.

Good news and gratitude

But we always have pieces of good news, too. One of the families in Kobyzhcha village was given an old house for free. It does need a lot of renovation, but think that goodhearted people simply wanted to give the refugee family a house. Their joy knew no limits – they had lost everything…

The mother told me that their own house is completely in ruins. So it was a relief to have a place of their own, even a small one. They are grateful for the clothes they could buy for the children. It was a great relief, as they had no idea how to go on after losing everything.

Thoughts from families

Another family fled the war from Kherson and found a safe place in a village here in the Chernihiv region. They came with the little they could pack in their car. Three children, parents and grandmother. The journey was long, but they finally found a temporary home. They can sleep peacefully there. The children are happy to have new clothes for school.

“Many thanks to all of you for your help and support. You can’t even imagine what it means for us. The children keep growing and their clothes don’t. To clothe four children without help is difficult, as our money is hardly enough for food. You helped my children go to school wearing new clothes. They are very happy.

We are grateful that you think of our children and are on our side. Without your help, we could not manage. HUGE THANKS TO YOU, A PEACEFUL SKY AND GOD’S BLESSING.” Family Prisyazhnyuk

“Your help to me and my children was great now. You bought them things that I could not have given them. My mother contracted an illness this month, and it reduced the family budget severely. I am not working now, as I can’t leave my mother unattended. I’m so grateful for your well-timed help. And the children are so happy of their new clothes.” Marina Malinetska


Thank you for being there and reaching out a helping hand.


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