You have made life a little easier for Ukrainians in these difficult times. Many families have dropped below the poverty line. Thank God, the shops are again providing foodstuffs. But, but… certain products are 4 to 5 five times more expensive than they used to be. A product that used to cost 35 Ukrainian Hryvnia, may now cost 90. This could well be called a rise in prices.

Those who are lucky still have their kitchen gardens. All gardens are checked for mines. Fortunately, our area is now free from active warfare.

The war has meant a lot of suffering to our families and children. With your help, we are buying supplies in case of… Flour, yeast etc. Who knows what happens tomorrow?

Many are without jobs, and all families with children are not getting the social allowances due to them. It has become more and more difficult to survive without money.

You made the weeks of occupation a bit easier. The families had received supplies that meant a lot during that time.

Spring campaign continuing

Sowing starts with a check for mines. You are not allowed to go to your field or garden without a permit from the village administration. The families have received seeds, plants, chicken… There are some who dare not take any animals for fear of the Russians attacking again.

The humanitarian help – basic food, sanitary products, diapers etc. from, Sweden and Finland have been a great blessing.

As we say in Ukraine: “Everything will be Ukraine!”

/ Katerina, programme coordinator