Our mission is to show God’s love to Ukraine’s children,

who are suffering a lot because of the war.

your help is needed

Food for children – School lunch and Meal in Friend’s House

Children in Ukraine are struggling to survive. Their fathers are at the front, while mothers bear the everyday responsibilities to maintain their families. It’s not easy to make ends meet. Your help is needed to provide food for a child. Without nutrition, they can’t go on.

‌In the midst of the war, the school and Friend’s House are safe havens. But they need food even there.

Will you help one child or several children get food?

Help Olga and her children

The need of emergency food

Many children need medicin


& latest news


What we do & why

We do lots of cool things to help Ukrainian kids and their families. We have something called ‘Friend’s House’ in Ukraine, different aid programs, and for Ukrainian refugees who need more help, our ‘Lifeline’ program in Eskilstuna, Sweden is there for them.

Friend’s House

A safe haven for children
It’s a place where kids can laugh, play, and learn, even when things outside are scary. Want to know more about Friends’ House Learn more – Welcome to Friend’s House

Aid programs

Help to children and families to overcome the dark times.
Your help is more than food, clothes, and school stuff; it’s hope and comfort in tough times.

Urgent needs

These needs just pop up without planning. The plan – become a monthly donor.

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